Moffitt Imaging Biomarker Valadation Center (MIBVAC, U01) under NCI’s Early Detection Research Network

Under NCI’s Early Detection Research Network, MIBVAC’s mission is to validate and translate Moffitt image biomarkers combined with other cancer biomarkers and risk factors for more effective early detection of cancer. In particular, we have developed radiomics features for lung cancer LDCT image screening and we have been developing breast cancer imager biomarkers based on digital mammography and recent 3D thomosynthesis data. We plan to refine and validate these biomarker models by designing and implementing multi-center EDRN-defined phase III and IV biomarker validation studies. Our long term goal is to establish a continuous program of early detection science and effective clinical screening of cancer at Moffitt.


Lung Image

Lung Image Risk factor

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Breast Image

Breast Image Risk Factor

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Image Biomarker Validation

Image biomarker risk

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